Patricia Templeton Patrick Award

Patricia Templeton Patrick award (diversity)

This $300 award is for a current Collinsite who has made a significant contribution to advancing diversity at Collins, IU, or the Bloomington community.

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Patricia Templeton Patrick award recipients


  • Carlie Streit: Volunteer at Friend’s Place Homeless Shelter, volunteer work with children at Fairview Elementary and The RISE


  • Makenna Slaughenhaupt: Advocacy and leadership with the Queer Student Union


  • Kyle Kristoff: Peer mentor at the LGBTQ+ Culture Center - involvement in events such as the Queer Student Union elections, Bloomington Pride, and monthly mentor gatherings; member of TrUSt IU, a group for Trans and Non-binary advocacy and support at IU; has served as a voice of advocacy for inclusion of the LGBTQ+ and Collins communities through various RPS roles; continuously worked to make Community Council an inclusive place that is safe for all people.


  • Hirak Ghosh: Student leader ambassador in the Finance Diversity Program
  • Marceline Hileman: Has held workshops on the importance of diversity in media as an officer in Game Design at IU, has contributed to a list of diverse media to be used in CAPS group therapy workshops


  • Aaron Sizemore: for leadership in building community among the LGBTQ+ community and their allies in and around Collins (both LLC and non-LLC) through founding of the Collins Trans and Nonbinary Support Group and the hosting of events such as Queersgiving


  • Max Sandefer: volunteer lead fellow for Liz Watson’s campaign for Congress, volunteer on Kate Rosenbarger’s campaign for Bloomington City Council and on a national level as a college fellow for the progressive group, “SwingLeft.” Policy director for the Vision for IU Student Government campaign, ensuring that diversity and inclusion be a hallmark of the campaign; advocated for the rights of undocumented immigrants as a member of UndocuHoosiers


  • Angela Frezza: offered free Spanish tutoring and conversation tables as a Q-project in 2016-17, got involved in Arts Council and BOEP to bring diversity to and share her culture within groups in Collins as a student leader


  • Atrayee Mukherjee: Director of Respect and Co-Chair for the Culture of Care organization; organized foreign film screening, transgender panel, tabling about stereotypes associated with women of color, mental health summit, “I Am Worthy” and Culture of Care week. Made videos of international students’ experiences. Served on Cabinet of Student Leaders.


  • Li Lu: shared experience as an international student through Collins Speaks, ran a calligraphy table at Globe Trot, Vice President of Chinese Calligraphy Club, ran workshops on China’s folk culture, launched a website to promote Chinese culture in Bloomington, put together the IU inaugural Spring Festival Calligraphy Couplets Fair, member of Pi Lambda Phi, taught people how to play Mahjong at the Asian Game Night at Mathers Museum, performed calligraphy at the Spring Festival Gala at MCPL, engaged in activities at the Chinese Flagship Program


  • Aimes Dobbins: involved in Trans* Advocacy Group - working on making changes on campus in regard to gender inclusive housing and restrooms and preferred names on ID cards, providing resources on Trans* education for Q instructors, working on an Allyship program with the CUE at Collins, volunteering in the Bloomington community - Rachel’s Cafe, The Rise, and as GLSEN student ambassador Alumni and Trevor Project Youth Advisory Council Representative from Indiana and Bloomington


  • Cleo Hernandez: led the Hutton Honors College group Diversity in Action; co-authored an essay for the Latino Arts Essay Competition with the Latino Studies Department; won first place in the undergraduate division for her essay on Chicano muralismo; and is currently working on a diversity-focused cookbook for the HHC. At Collins, Cleo serves as SOA treasurer and as secretary for both Community Council and Fee Committee; she is active in BOEP, co-hosted a lecture for Collins alum Michael Schuessler, and planned a program for Hogwarts Week on animal stereotyping.