Your gift to Collins enriches our residents’ university experiences and ensures that the Collins Living-Learning Center remains one of the premier LLCs in the country.
Giving Opportunities
You can make an online donation to Collins through the IU Foundation website. Choose between several funds:
- Gifts to the Collins Living-Learning Center Fund will be used for general support (awards, scholarships, programming, facilities support and maintenance, etc.).
- Gifts to the Patricia Templeton Patrick Scholarship will support undergraduate scholarships for students at Collins with preference to students who embody the spirit of the Center and whose efforts create a climate that promotes diversity.
- Gifts to the Elissa Bradley Scholarship Endowment will support annual awards to students who have been especially active in promoting the mission of Collins.
Mail your gift
You can also do it the old-fashioned way and mail a check payable to: IUF - Collins Living-Learning Center to:
Indiana University Foundation
P. O. Box 6460
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6460
Thank you for your contribution. Your donations go toward providing a safe and stimulating environment for the creative and committed students who live at Collins.

Living in Collins ended up driving my career decisions. I chose to work in higher education and have been working to replicate my experience at Collins for other college students ever since.
Kathleen G. Kerr, Collins resident 1984-1989