Politics, Identity, and Resistance - Media Activism: Then And Now

CLLC-L 120 / Class 12411 — FALL 2024

Edmondson Hall C112
Days and Times
M/W 12:40 – 1:55 pm Film screenings Wed 7:00-9:00 pm Collins Cinema
Course Description

This course is for producers, artists, mobilizers, and thinkers who wish to better understand the role that media plays in social change. Throughout the course, students will interrogate how media productions can be conceived as political activism. We will look, read, play, and examine socially engaged media generated worldwide throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Students will engage with theoretical and non-theoretical texts to analyze themes of politics, culture, identity, and society to understand the conditions, possibilities, and constraints of political activism. Theoretical approaches will not be taught in isolation from one another. Ideas, histories, and debatable concepts will be continuously illustrated to students and put into a coherent framework that coincides with multi-media texts as case studies. In addition, the course will explore various research approaches, design tools, and production methods that will help students in understanding the multiplicity of ways that social issues can be interrogated through media technologies. 

Instructor: Jamie Theophilos

SustainCollins course – open to all Collins students

Selected by Board of Educational Programming (BOEP)