Culture, the Arts, and Society - Workshop in the Public Arts and Humanities

CLLC-L 210 / CLASS 9764 — Fall 2024

Edmondson Hall C112
Days and Times
Tu/Th 11:30 am – 12:45 pm
Course Description

The Workshop in the Public Arts and Humanities is a hands-on exploration of how the arts and humanities have been used locally and globally to foster social change, connections, and development. We will study the history, methods, and practices of “the public humanities”—A focus of the course it to examine what humanities look like *beyond* the walls of a university, including common research-oriented careers for humanities majors, such as museum curation, public design, policy and advocacy, and community engagement. This seminar is a key component to the ACT Humanities Program at the Collins LLC but is also open to humanities students in the college. ACT Humanities students will be auto enrolled as part of their participation in the ACT Humanities Program at Collins LLC.

This class is required by members of ACT Humanities at Collins LLC, but is not limited to those members.

Instructor: Jennifer Goodlander