Since its inception in 1972, the Collins Living-Learning Center, a unit of the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University, has been empowering students to be major stakeholders in student-centered learning. One of the most influential units at Collins is the student Board of Educational Programming (BOEP). Its primary mission is to create residential seminars at Collins which are interdisciplinary, experimental, and experiential.
October 15th marked the deadline for fall course proposal submissions at Collins and BOEP now has 20 proposals in total to review.
Students on the board will take the next full week to carefully read through each submission, reviewing syllabi, CVs, and letters of recommendation to help narrow down the list of possible courses. BOEP, along with the LLC Director, will discuss their conclusions at their next meeting and make the decision about which courses will move forward to the next step in the process: interviews.
After the instructor interviews, BOEP members meet to choose 6 proposals and 3 alternates for submission to the Collins Faculty Curriculum Committee. Any Collinsite interested in participating in this process should reach out to the BOEP co-chairs to get involved ( and