Hello! My name is Olivia (Liv for short) and I’m a Psychology B.S. student concentrating in neuroscience and minoring in Illustration. I’m currently a junior and this will be my third year at Collins. I participate in a lot of Collins-related events and get my daily fix of coffee at the Cheshire Café. I was a member of ACT Humanities that started my freshman year, so if you have any questions about that student group, I’m all ears! Outside of Collins, I love participating in art shows at IU and playing music in All-Campus Band as a percussionist/pianist. I look forward to teaching Q-199 and giving you advice on how to do college (literally!) Please feel free to email me at ooverby@iu.edu if you have any questions about Collins, IU or anything!

Olivia Drew
Tu/Th 5:20 - 6:10 p.m.
Edmondson C110
Class # 3585