How Collins courses are selected
Course proposals must be submitted by October 15 (for courses to be taught the fall of the following year) and by March 15 (for courses to be taught the spring of the following year).
Twice a year, once proposals are submitted, the student-run Board of Educational Programmers (BOEP), in which all Collins students may participate, along with the Collins LLC Director, review all applications and choose a subset for the next step: instructor interviews. After the instructor interviews, BOEP members meet to choose 6 proposals and 3 alternates for submission to the Collins Faculty Curriculum Committee.
The Collins Faculty Curriculum Committee meets each semester, fall and spring, to review the proposals recommended by BOEP and to determine the final seminars, as well as the alternates, to be offered in the fall or the spring of the next academic year. That Committee may ask for changes in courses as a precondition for approval. The College of Arts and Sciences gives its final approval for selected courses, subject to available funding and minimum enrollment (usually 10 students).