Collins Connection

Collins Living-Learning Center's alumni newsletter



In This Issue

Alumni Reunion updates


Call for Alumni Visits


HH Remak Collection


Outstanding Young Alumni Award


Dickens Dinner 2011


  Dickens Dinner 2011




Our Board of Programmers presented the annual Dickens Dinner in December 2011.  It was a great success and we had a wonderful turn out.  If you would like to see the photos, please click on this link and enjoy!



Outstanding Young Alumni Award


The College of Arts & Sciences is calling for nominations for outstanding young alumni who will receive an award which includes a $500 travel allowance, suite at the IMU, and framed certiciate that will match the winner's diploma.  Candidates must be thirty-five years of age or younger, achieved significant accomplishment or contribution to their profession or community, and must be able to attend the awards ceremony and prepare a 500-word speech.  If you have a nominee in mind, or if you would like further information, please contact Lindsay Bugher and she will connect you with the appropriate individuals at the College Alumni Office. 




Give to Collins

As we all know, times are hard.  Increasingly, active students struggle to find the funds needed to stay at Collins.  To help, we have set up scholarships, which empower students to take on worthy projects that increase the sense of community within Collins and Bloomington.


We are able to retain students who contribute positively to the community, and Collins as a whole benefits.


These scholarships help our students tremendously and your donations are very much appreciated.


If you are able to do so, please consider supporting this initiative by donating to the Ralph Collins Living-Learning Center Educational Fund.


HH Remak Collection: Donate Today!


The HH Remak Collection at the Collins LLC Library houses the works and publications of our alumni, allowing current residents to explore the contributions of their predecessors.  If you would like to submit your work to the library, please contact us here and we can arrange to have your publication available to our students!



Reunion Updates



Dear Collinsites:

We are moving ahead with planning for the reunion (May 11-13, 2012). We have secured rooms in Edmondson; I haven't been given a price yet, but they will be well below hotel rates. Recall that dorm rooms have single beds only and that there is no air conditioning. We are also holding a block of rooms at the Union for those who would prefer more in the way of amenities.  If you'd like to stay at the IMU, please e-mail us and we can assist you with your reservations. You are of course welcome to make your own lodging arrangements. At this point I'd like to start to get an idea of who plans to attend, get your feedback on a proposed program, and see who might be interested in performing at the proposed open mic night or in conducting a workshop of some sort. The workshops could take place in any of the studio spaces or in the classrooms; they might be artistic, academic, political... I am also considering compiling a collection of alumni recollections about Collins that we could distribute to those who attend (and even those who do not). Please click here to view our tentative reunion plans and add your ideas in the text boxes provided.


Call for Alumni Visits



We know you're excited to visit us in May for the alumni reunion, and we will be glad to welcome you back!  In addition to the reunion, we invite alumni to come visit current students and chat with them about what they've done since graduation, and make connections that will be mutually beneficial.  We have a guest suite available (with a private bathroom) and you can enjoy a meal in the Dining Hall with students during your stay.  If you are interested and have a topic you would like to bring for discussion (such as your research, artistic endeavors, or career path) please contact Lindsay Bugher and we can arrange a time for you to visit and meet our students.


Max Planck Institute



Since 2009 CLL, in collaboration with the Department of History and Philosophy of Science (HPSC), has established an exchange program with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. Most years Collins hosts  a visiting scholar from Berlin, who teaches a class and interacts with the Collins community in a number of ways, from watching the German elections to holding conversation classes in a foreign language (not all visitors are German). Previous visitors have taught classes on topics as diverse as the social history of cloning, the early history of astronomy, and the understanding of radiation during the cold war.

Reciprocally, the Max Planck Institute hosts a visiting graduate student from Bloomington for three to four months, offering air fare and a stipend. The ideal visitor to Berlin is an Indiana University ABD graduate student in the areas of History of Science or History of Art, broadly conceived, or any area appropriate to the activities of the many research group at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - please see their website.


All Collins alumni potentially interested and eligible should contact the Collins Director Carl Ipsen and the Chair of the HPSC Department.


Send in your updates!


We'd love to hear what you're doing now. Send your updates, so we can post them on our alumni update blog.



Living-Learning Center

541 N. Woodlawn

Bloomington, IN 47406


(812) 855-9815